Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Winds-day, April 7

In Winnie-the-Pooh lingo today would definitely be considered a blustery day. We have had the windows thrown up and the doors thrown open and nature has provided instant aeration of the house. We are, so far, loving this spring break.
If my hair were longer you would be able to see just how blustery it was.
John-Heath had soccer practice today. His practices are 5-6 on Wednesdays and 5-6 on Fridays (Yuck). John took him today and I showed up about 15 minutes before the end. He was a goalie. To his great delight all the grass around his goal was gone. This dirt patch provided on-the-spot entertainment for him for the periods of time when a ball was not in play anywhere around him - and, come to think of it, whenever a ball was in play around him.

Watched The Blind Side tonight with John and John-Heath. There was a scene with a train in the background very early in the movie and John-Heath kept wanting us to rewind to that spot. We told him there would be more trains to come and to just keep watching. So, every 4 or 5 minutes he would ask when the next one was coming.

Ren spent Tuesday night at my parents and is spending tonight with Megan at Jon and Jessie's house. They are in one of the Carolinas visiting Jessie's sister and new baby and Megan is house-sitting. I am a little nervous, afraid the weather will turn bad. It was actually 4 years ago today a tornado hit part of our county and killed several people. I believe that was on a Friday. We were still in school, which was kept in session until about 5 o'clock that evening to wait out the storms.

So, just in case, I think I'll sleep with an eye and an ear open.

Now the very blustery night turned into a very rainy night. And Pooh kept his lonely vigil, hour after hour, after hour - until at last, Pooh fell fast asleep - and began to dream.

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