Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our 100th Post and Our 1st Giveaway

My Dearest Weblog,

What a good friend, late night companion, and vessel for my venting you have become! It seems like only yesterday that I gave in to the urge to set up an account and exploit my family, friends, and self for all the world to see. And here we are now, 100 posts later. I wouldn’t change a thing, except maybe for the amount of sleep you siphon from me as I succumb to your gentle call in the middle of the night more than I even did for my children when they were still on the bottle.

To celebrate your entrance into my life I feel we must share the joy with those who stop by to browse our reflective wares (i.e. read our family gossip) and have a giveaway. And what is it we are giving away? A $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble Booksellers to one lucky visitor. I figure people who blog and/or read blogs like to read books too and a card to B&N could come in handy.

So I will ask the readers of this, our 100th post, to leave a comment and tell us something that keeps you up at night. In addition to blogs, a good book is also something that siphons my sleep.

Your comment = 1 entry.

A mention of this contest on your own blog with a link back to this post = 3 entries (Be sure to link to the post in which you mention the contest in your comment)

A post to your wall on Facebook mentioning this contest and including a link back to this post = 1 entry (Again, link to your fb page in your comment)

Become a follower of our little blog = 2 entries

Never fear if you don’t blog or Facebook. You can still enter by leaving a comment to the post. If you sign in under the anonymous option just make sure you add your first name/last initial in the comment.

This contest will remain open until 11:59 p.m. Sunday, August 1. A winner will be announced Monday. Good luck!

P.S. The Thursday Three will have to be posted tomorrow (I guess it could be a Friday Four if someone is really anal about that kind of thing). Ren tells me I write more about John-Heath than her and she is jealous. Therefore, I will try to incorporate her into the TT3 to keep peace in my home.


Mami2jcn said...

Worrying about my kids keeps me up at night.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Tire Swing Mom said...

You and me both, Mami.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well I know others have beat me to the punch. I enjoy your blogs. I think you are a good writer, you bring laughter and interesting stories to life. If any students are reading your blogs, you have given them great examples on how to write. Once again I love your blog and I am a fan!

Jean C.

Anonymous said...

I have loved reading your blog. You have the gift of writing and storytelling.

Facebook keeps me up at night. I just love to "hear" about other people's day. I also read blogs at night.

Worrying about the future also keeps me up at night.
Lately, the dvr/tivo button on our tv has done a good job of this. The recorded shows seem to beckon when sleep should be winning.

tiffany mapp

Omgirl said...

Ah yes, those first fun days of blogging, when its all-consuming madness is the best drug in the world! Congratulations!

Kate Spears said...

how cluttered my house has become and all the dust that is everywhere....i find myself thinking of it when i should be sleeping!

Anonymous said...

Well, Tyla dear, it seems that I have become somewhat addicted to "spider solitaire". Remember the early turn ins when I taught (to bed no later than 9:00?), well, I find myself at 11:00 playing one more hand. Oh, my!

Anonymous said...

First time I've visited your blog. You were reccomended by a friend and I have truely enjoyed it! Truth is funnier than fiction, thanks for the breath of fresh air!

The Redhead Riter said...

What keeps me up late at night?

My daughter, Blogging and Crafting in that order.


The Redhead Riter said...

your blog follower


The Redhead Riter said...

your blog follower

2nd entry


The Redhead Riter said...


posted on my contest blog at...

entry 1 of 3

The Redhead Riter said...


posted on my contest blog at...

entry 2 of 3

The Redhead Riter said...


posted on my contest blog at...

entry 3 of 3

The Redhead Riter said...


posted on facebook at!/theredheadriter?v=wall&story_fbid=1164085760509&ref=mf

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

I'm ridiculous and the idea that I won't get enough sleep keeps me awake at night. I lay there, worried that I will be tired. And then I think about how silly it is that I'm losing sleep over losing sleep. But yet, I'm unable to stop.

Tire Swing Mom said...

Mason's Mom,

I think those nights when you are worried that you won't be able to fall alseep are the worst, especially when you know you have to get up early for work, etc. If you're like me you just lay there and watch the clock and realize you're still not asleep - hour after hour after hour. lol

Tire Swing Mom said...


I loove Spider Solitaire, and, now that I know you are up playing games on the computer at all hours, I might just have to give you a call when the urge hits me late some night. lol

Tire Swing Mom said...


Thanks for the nice compliment. I wish I knew who you were so that I could enter you into the drawing. Stop by and visit with me again.

Tire Swing Mom said...

Jean C.,

Thanks for your sweet words again. You're going to give me the big head one day if you keep it up. lol. Thanks, too, for mentioning the blog on your facebook page.

Tire Swing Mom said...


Let's just say it is a good thing that I don't have tivo. lol

I know what you mean about facebook. I enjoy being able to "see" people I've not seen in years.

How's Natalie? What grade will she be in this year?

Tire Swing Mom said...


My husband would have to disagree with you (as he's the one kept awake by the clicking of my keypad). lol

It has been great, though. Thanks. Come back and visit with me again.

Tire Swing Mom said...


I have to say that a messy house is one thing that doesn't keep me up...unless I know that company is coming the next day and I put off too much of the cleaning to be done at the last minute. lol Thanks for stopping by. I hope you can come back again soon.

Tire Swing Mom said...


It's been years since I've done much crafting, but I could sit up half the night working on something.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll visit with me again soon.

Nelsby said...

Getting lost in the world of the internet keeps me up at night...all the time!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

Entry #1 --> I am publicly following your blog on Google Friend Connect (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

Entry #2 --> I am publicly following your blog on Google Friend Connect (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

Facebook post (username Aimee Waerhouse):

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

ucmama said...

Ideas for paintings, poetry, and other creations keep me up. I suppose the lack of movement in my body allows my mind to wander. And just so you know, I do paint and write poetry, as well as other things, so it's not just wasted. And even if I don't win this contest, I'm glad you found me cause I like your blog. And TN. Yeah c'mon!
Oh also, sometimes the neighbors keep me up, but that's not nearly as pleasant...
And then sometimes I just lie there wondering why I start so many sentences with the word and...

Anonymous said...

The ability not to go to sleep keeps me up at night. ;) Thinking too much keeps me up at night. Drinking too much after dinner/supper keeps me up at night. The lack of direction with my life keeps me up at night. My husband's tossing and turning along with this weird clucking noise he sometimes makes keeps me up at night. :0)
