Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Bucket List

I noticed on the internet last night that Bill Clinton has created his bucket list so I thought I might just get started on one too - not that I am anywhere near the age of our former president, or Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson either for that matter.

Clinton mentioned that he would like to live to enjoy having grandkids. This is something I would also like one day - one day in the farrrr off future. Ren is only 14 so I best not be called granny anytime soon.

Well, here goes with the first three things that would make my life feel a little more complete.

1.) Get healthier (so that I can really enjoy the other items on the list)
2.) Visit all 50 of the states in our country. I have 21 left to see.
3.) Spend an entire summer abroad.

Just curious...what would be at the top of your list?

P.S. Pool is growing on me - a little.


Azra said...

I ran across this very question last night on the 5000 Questions list...was it as hard for you to come up with something as it was for me? :-)

1.) See some great art - Donatello's David, the Mona Lisa, Diego Rivera's murals...

2.) See some totally goofy stuff: the big concrete dinos out west, the Largest Ball of Twine (or even 2nd largest...) Where was that huge concrete muskie again? lol

3.) Walk the Appalachian Trail, hopefully before they decide to extend it through Greenland and beyond...

Hmm....I sense a theme here.

Tire Swing Mom said...

Azra, I'm right there with you on your #1, and have seen some similar to your #2 (World's Deepest Hand Dug Well, Greenberg, Kansas a few months prior to their town-destroying tornado), but I'm waayy too scared of snakes to take on your #3. LOL

Thanks for dropping by. Come again.