From the front porch I hear John-Heath say to Ren, "Hey, Ren! Let's play Duck Duck Goose" and watch as he promptly takes a seat on the ground. Ren humors him and plays along. Tapping on his head the first time she says "Duck" and then proceeds to tap several imaginary ducks before making her way back to her brother, a goose this time. They played a couple rounds of the game, with each getting a turn as the goose.
I may have to suggest they play it again tomorrow night, and this time arm myself with my camera.
Well, going to turn in now - just a wee bit tired. Ren and I went swimming today. We had such a good time, just the two of us, but I think I might be a little burned - not too bad, more pink than red. We're hoping we can get one more swim in before Jon, Jessie, and the boys get back tomorrow evening. And then, with a little luck, our own pool will be installed and ready to enjoy by this time next week. Goodnight, all.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!
And I wish you would make your kids play two-man duck duck goose again, with video in hand. I would LOOOOVE to watch that!
Well, thank YOU for stopping by my blog, too! lol
I would love to be able to post pictures/video but my camera battery is now dead and something mysterious has happened to the battery charger. I swear this house is the land version of the Bermuda Triangle.
Come again. :>)
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