Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Got Helmets?

John-Heath watching t.v. one stormy day last year.
Happy hump day, peeps!  This past evening and early morning were quite blustery in my neck of the woods.  As most of you know I live in Middle Tennessee, which is smack dab in the center of Dixie Alley.  Thankfully, as far as I know, last night's front that moved through the area left behind only minor damage and power outages. 

It's in a time like this I wish we had built a storm room in the garage.  If we ever build again it will be one of the first things figured into the budget.  For now, we hunker down in our bedroom closet with pillows and blankets and motorcycle helmets.  You heard me correct...motorcycle helmets. 

A few years ago, an elderly lady doing some volunteer work at our school struck up a conversation with me about storms.  She was fearful of them and remarked that, as she had no basement, she would just get in her bathroom and wear a motorcycle helmet.  I thought that was a pretty smart thing to do, as many tornado-related deaths are due to head injuries from debris.  So, I went out and bought 3.  Either John or myself will be out of luck until I buy that fourth one.  We keep ours in our closet so there's no running around looking for them at the last minute. 

Of course, no helmet could ever be 100% effective in such storms, but it's much better than covering your head with your hands.

P.S.  This morning as we were in the closet, John-Heath, half asleep, helmeted and still feverish, took the moment in stride and said, "I could go for an ice-cream cone.  Is Hardees or Sonic open?" 

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