Well, here are the last of the Christmas pictures. In looking back through them I realize I will need to vamp up my photography skills next year. I'm especially disappointed in myself that I only took ONE picture on Christmas morning. Can you believe that? ONE! I was recording the morning with my camcorder, but only managed to squeeze out a singular still shot, and not a good one at that (although the subject of the shot was as beautiful as always).
Ren and John-Heath are all smiles for the traditional in-front-of-the-tree picture a couple nights before Christmas.
I probably took fifty of these just to get a few good ones. A 5-year-old is not the most easily manageable participant at times.
Pepper, aka Johnny Ricker, complete with a festive bow, was brought in for a few pictures.
John and the kids.
Ren among some of her goodies on Christmas morning. The older they get the smaller the presents get.
All the family came up on Christmas day. Here's my niece Megan holding (from clockwise) Dylan, John-Heath, and Weston, with Ren leaning in.
My mom and dad (Ma-Ma and Pa Gene) with my nephew Jonathan and his wife Jessie.
My sister and our aunt Shirley, who has spent Christmas day with us the last few years.
Ma-Ma and Pa Gene looking at Ren's gift to them - the handprint tile she made.
Jessie, the seamstess of the family, looking over my new sewing machine. Yep. My sister got me one. Now, I just need to figure out how to use it.
John-Heath with, probably, his most favorite gift of the night...his doctor's coat and medical bag. This was a gift from my niece Megan. She's in nursing school and John-Heath has always been fascinated by all the stuff in her bag, so she bought him his own. He practically squealed with delight when he opened it.
His bag was full of everything any good doctor would need to make a house call, and believe you me, this doctor has already made some - including one to our bedroom bright and early the next morning.
Megan even had his name and an emblem embroidered on the coat. How cute is that? And, who knows, maybe one day he'll be able to wear a real one.
As you can tell, we all had a wonderful Christmas and, more importantly, a great year. The best part was not the gifts, but rather getting to spend it with those we love. Too often we take for granted that each year and each Christmas will be the same. But it won't. As time marches on there will be changes, both good and bad, so we should cherish every moment we have together.
I hope this past year was great for you, too, and that each of you had a blessed Christmas.
1. Your cat is cool
2. You have a beautiful family
3. Megan gets the best gift giver prize - that coat is TOO MUCH!
Hope you have a Christmas: PART 3 soon... love em!
1. I (use to) hate cats! I was terrified of them. John-Heath has softened me some.
2. I am blessed with a great family. So are you, with the exception of a certain brother. Nah, just kidding. Trevor was a hoot to work with!!!
3. Megan is an AWESOME gift-giver. It must be passed down through the DNA from her mom. I can't wait to see what she produces when she starts making real money in nursing. haha
I hope you all had a great Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year!!!
The smaller the presents get and the more expensive they get. Happy New Year! Your daffodil picture attracted me from one of your comments to Kim, Savvy Southern Style.
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