April, June, and November;
All the rest have thirty-one,
Save February, with twenty-eight days clear,
And twenty-nine each leap year.
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Image via
If I had five bucks for each and every time my daughter has made it known that she can’t wait to be out of this house I would be a millionaire. Well, maybe not a millionaire, but I definitely could have paid cash for her braces.
Like all teens she is very public about looking forward to growing up and gaining independence and, behind the rose-colored glasses of youth, she can get a little cocky about it at times, too.
A few nights ago, a day after registering for her final year of high school, I think the reality of growing up and what it means to be independent finally began to hit home, and my daughter, who can be a pretty relaxed, why-worry-about-it kind of girl, was scared.
Sitting in complete safety and comfort between her dad and me in bed, the questions, accompanied by very wet eyes, started…What if I don’t know for certain what I want to do? What if the job I think I would like to do takes me out of state? What if you change your mind once you’ve already taken several college classes? How do you even start going to college?
For each of us there is always that first time our glasses get a little cloudy. For Ren, it was Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 9:00 p.m.
I found this recipe over at Eat, Live, Run and thought, despite what it’s called and the images one could conjure up from such a name, I would give it a whirl. I would have taken pictures but that would have taken time away from the actual eating process. Besides, ELR has photos on her page. Why re-invent the wheel, right?
Chocolate Pudding Dump Cake
1 chocolate boxed cake mix
(I used Duncan Hines Chocolate Fudge)
1 small package chocolate pudding
(again, I used the chocolate fudge flavor)
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups (large handful) chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Prepare the pudding with the milk according to package directions. Add the cake mix and stir well to combine
(the batter will be thick. I had to pull out my mixer for a bit on this one).
Smooth batter into a greased 9 x 13-inch pan. Scatter chocolate chips on top.
Bake for 30 minutes, or until edges pull away from sides.
Time: 40 minutes
Folks, this was one easy little cake, and good too. It was all puddiny (not a real word, but somehow it fits). And the best part to me, at least, is that it included no eggs or oil. With no eggs I was free to fearlessly enjoy bites of the batter scraped from the sides of the bowl. My dad got in on the action, too, and told of how Mammy Sophia would let him lick the spoon when he was little.
Now, be sure to eat it while it’s still all warm and gooey, and a generous scoop of vanilla bean ice-cream on the side doesn’t take anything away from it either. I packed the one piece that was left over in my lunch for the next day and, while it was still good, it just wasn’t as good. This is a something that is definitely best right out of the oven.
The grandparents with the kiddos.
Now, even though that’s a true story I shouldn’t give him too much grief about it. After all, because it was a school night, we had already decided to stay in anyway, so I wasn’t expecting a night on the town. He has promised a date night soon and I intend to hold him to it.
Our night consisted of a big pot of homemade vegetable beef soup shared with my parents, who came bearing gifts, and a pretty darn good, warm chocolate cake topped off with some vanilla bean ice-cream for dessert. I’ll get you that recipe tomorrow.
In hindsight, it was the best kind of Valentine’s Day, spent with those I love unconditionally and those who unconditionally love me.
School kids everywhere will be passing out their Valentines to friends today.
There will be the cartoon cards…
the sport cards…
the princess cards…
the modes of transportation cards…
the awww, isn’t it cute? cards…
and even cards picturing food.
And in some corners of the world there may even be scary cards…
Ahhh, nothing says I love you in Hungarian quite like “Welcome to the devil’s playground”.
Here’s hoping my kid, and yours, will come home with a backpack full of Barbie, monster trucks, and asparagus!
John-Heath’s class has been learning about letter writing lately and each student has his/her own little box in which mail can be delivered. So, on each envelope he wrote a friend’s name and box number. I hope he can read his own writing well enough to get the cards into their correct places tomorrow. I hate to say it but my son has horrible handwriting. He is a lefty (and this is a right-handed person’s world), plus he has little to no patience, which means he will not slow down long enough to write neatly. My only consolation is that most doctors also have horrible penmanship. Fingers crossed.
Truthfully, car trips had become stressful. Ren would brings hers. John-Heath would want hers. Now, I’m a teacher and, as such, a fairly educated person. I knooooow there are better ways to handle situations like this but, frankly, it was just easier to say, “let him play with it for a while, Ren.” Well, actually, more times than not I was probably shouting something like FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY, REN, JUST GIVE IT TO HIM! Yeah, that sounds more like it.
Anyway, Santa came to our rescue and now my son has one of his very own. I can see right now he has the makings to be the “gamer” of the family. He always outscores me in Temple Run.
The bad thing about my six-year-old having his own is that on some days there are long chunks of time when the device becomes glued to his hand. When this happens all else in his life seemingly ceases to exist. Dinner? Who needs to eat. Mommy’s kisses? Too busy for that. SpongeBob? SpongeBob who?
The good thing about him having his own is that it can be a wonderful leveraging tool. Wanna play with your iPod… do your homework/clean your room/get in the shower/eat your dinner/watch SpongeBob for old time’s sake/or just give your mommy a kiss.
Yes, as Monk use to say, “It’s a gift…and a curse.”
First of all, can someone please tell me where January went? One day we’re celebrating the new year, the next shopping for Valentine cards. Did we take a shortcut somewhere?
So, lately I have seen several blogs, Facebook posts, etc. which mention some type of photo-a-day challenge and thought I might get in on the action. Now, you know me, the moment it begins to feel too much like a resolution I’ll probably throw in the towel, but I would like to at least attempt it.
The one I like best I think is over at the Nest of Posies. Each month she hosts a link party where you can share your monthly photos. It’s actually a yearly challenge but, as usual, I am in a day late, dollar short situation.
Truthfully, I’m kind of excited about it. It puts me in mind a bit of a scavenger hunt and I lovvvve scavenger hunts. Want to join in? If so, take a look at the list for February and grab your camera or, if you’re really artsy, I guess you could grab your sketch pad and pencil.
Even though I’ll be taking a picture a day I think I’ll post them once a week, maybe each Saturday.
Okay, I’m off to grab my camera and snap a picture of “my view today”, which is going to be gloomy because the weather here stinks!