Monday, January 30, 2012
Blast from the Past
A Sample Post
Hello, all. This is my first time using Live Writer and, as such, this is a sample post. Never will these words see the light of day. Well, I guess they’ll get a little glimpse of it.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Yesterday, on Tire Swings...
I don't know about you but I hate how my yard looks during the winter, especially during an overly wet winter. One of the biggest eyesores in my backyard is our pool. You'll remember that we opted for one of the above-ground variety that could be more easily removed should we ever tire of it. Well, there it all its round glory. There is a deck around much of it but we have yet to put any lattice, etc. underneath to actually hide the darn thing. I had also hoped that we would have added some plants to further soften the look of it by now. In the summer it doesn't look bad at all, what with all the trees around in just the right spots, but during the barren winter...well, it's pretty bad.
When we opened the pool last year we found the cover was in rough shape, as it had been wind-whipped throughout the months it was in use, so John rolled it up and laid it in a nearby tree line. He told me at the time he would put it in the trash as soon as we ordered a new one, which we did within a week or two.
Almost nine months later and after a ridiculous number of requests from me for him to remove it, the cover was still there - staring at me like some stalker every single time I looked in its direction. I was always most aggravated whenever I was driving home and would come around a certain bend in the road from which my whole back yard seemed to be laid out for all to see thanks to the leafless trees. Rarely a time have I seen it that I haven't thought There it is.
Well, Wednesday while I was home with a sick child I decided I was going to do something about it. It was trash day and I was going to accomplish what I had been seeking all these past months. Really, I was just as guilty as John for it being there so long. Am I not an able-bodied adult capable of doing a little manual labor? I think so.
Now, I knew there was no way I could pick it up and carry it all the way to the end of the drive. Being able-bodied doesn't always mean one is strong. I would need my car.
My plan was brilliantly simple. I would drive my car over to the cover, reach down and take hold of it with my hand. Then using the horsepower of my automobile, drive back down the drive and dump the cover amongst the waiting trashbags.
What is it that Burns wrote of plans? The best laid schemes of mice and men often go askew.
I learned a few things that day.
1.) Pool covers are heavy, especially those that are waterlogged.
2.) I am more out of shape than originally thought.
3.) My car is not a 4-wheel drive.
4.) It is not a good idea to drive in certain areas of our yard during a wet January.
5.) Mud, under the tires of a stuck vehicle, reproduces faster than rabbits.
6.) Our truck is a 4-wheel drive.
7.) A trailer hitch and chain are good things to have around.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
"Mono y Mono"
So, here’s a brief recap of what we’ve been up to at the Tire Swings hacienda.
Ren has mono, as in nucleosis. She has been one sick puppy this week, and as of this writing still is. Poor thing, she can’t even blame it on a kiss from some sweet boyfriend (she’s stubbornly single). Being sick because of love could be tolerable in a romantic sort of way - think Marianne and Willoughby in Sense and Sensibility - but being sick because someone sneezed all over a door knob, etc. just stinks.
Speaking of John-Heath, he is still loving the iPod Santa brought him for Christmas. His favorite games are Angry Birds, Temple Run, and Cars 2. Cars 2 frustrates him to no end and, if it continues to produce the weeping and wailing we hear coming from his bedroom, may soon be accidentally deleted from his menu.
As for me, I stayed home with Ren Tuesday and Wednesday and went back to work for part of the day today. Now, I cannot pretend I don’t like being home from work (high pitched squeals of delight have been known to be produced at the very thought of it), though naturally I would rather it be under better circumstances. I also wish it were drier weather. It seems like it has rained in Middle Tennessee for a solid month. My driveway, what’s left of it, is proof.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Chocolate Gravy

Have a great weekend, y'all!
Friday, January 20, 2012
An Unusual Field Trip
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Ren's Room Redo - Part 1
Because of the amount of light, etc., the color ended up looking too MAUVE. Now, don't get me wrong (especially if it is your favorite color), mauve is a pretty color. I think it's a soothing color. But having had it in our first house in the late 80's/early 90's...carpet, wallpaper, placemats, lacey baskets, you name it...I was done with it. No more mauve. I tried to make it fun and cute but it just never felt like a good fit for Ren, even with all the Paris do-dads.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Chicken Taco Soup and My Sister's Name, Her Real One
Anyway, this is
You will need:
Canned white chicken meat (2 large and 1 small - I just used the Great Value brand at Wal-mart). I guess you could boil a real chicken, but why go to that trouble?
2 cans black beans (drained)
2 cans light red kidney beans (drained)
2 cans yellow, whole kernel corn (drained)
2 cans petite diced tomatoes
1 pack McCormick’s original taco seasoning
1 pack McCormick’s chicken taco seasoning
About 14 oz. of tomato juice (I just poured it from a large bottle into one of my empty diced tomato cans)
Directions:Empty all the ingredients (except for the chicken and the seasoning packs) into a large pot and stir.
Drain the chicken, break the chunks apart, and stir it and both packs of seasonings into a skillet and brown/heat for a few minutes. Once this is done I add it to the rest in the large pot.
If you want it soupier you can add a little more tomato juice or water.
Serve with shredded cheeses and Tostitos scoops. Yummy!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Tebow and Tacos
I have had three favorite NFL teams in my life.
Fave team #1: The Pittsburg Steelers. I was given a Steelers' jersey for Christmas when I was in the 5th grade. I can't remember the player, though I am thinking it may have been Franco Harris or John Stallworth because it seems the number 2 was part of the jersey number. Of course, I guess it could have been 12 for Terry Bradshaw. Like I said, I don't remember. I do remember feeling pretty cool wearing it.
Fave team #2: The Chicago Bears. This was strictly due to a teen crush on their "punky QB". I thought the sunglass-wearing, headbanded Jim McMahon was a Cute.E.Pie. Does anyone remember the "Superbowl Shuffle"? So, from the fall of '84 until the fall of '88 I was a Bear. Then I went and fell in love.
Fave team #3: The Denver Broncos. This love affair began by association (my husband John has been a Broncos fan since 1977). I remember John sending me roses the day after his Broncos beat my Bears in 1987 and referencing the game on the card. I still have it (the card) in a box somewhere in the garage.
Well, when we married the following year I thought it best that we not be a house divided and I changed my loyalties. After all, he had been a Broncos' fan much longer (and for better reasons) than I had been a Bears' fan.
I must admit our, well my, interest has somewhat waned in the years since Elway retired but now, thanks to Mr. Tebow, I have renewed vigor in supporting the guys from the mile high city. He may never, ever, ever be a quarterback the caliber of ol' #7 but I like the kid!
And so we will eat Taco soup and hope for another awesome game.
P.S. As of 10:00 p.m. CST, taco soup will NOT be on the menu anytime soon. :(
Friday, January 13, 2012
Vivien Becomes Scarlett

Anyhoo, since I have the day off I think I may take advantage of the free time and pull out and watch my Gone With the Wind DVD. We're big GWTW fans around here and today marks the 73rd anniversary of Vivien Leigh being signed to play Scarlett. I ask you, can you imagine any other person in that role? For that matter, can you imagine any other actors in any of the remaining roles? Well, great balls of fire! I most certainly can't.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Monday, January 9, 2012
Happy Birthday, Dear Tire Swings...

I had decided (I think it may have been a New Year’s resolution) to begin journaling events for my children, both past and present - events that is, not children. I had even bought a very nice leather journal in which I had recorded a few entries. There was a problem with that plan, though - I haaaaate the physical act of writing. Yes, I am that lazy, I’m afraid. Plus, I have a terrible handwriting. So, when I came across this great idea called blogging I knew I had found a friend.
I don’t write every day and I have gone through a dry spell or two, but I am just the teeniest bit proud of myself for sticking with it this long. There is no way my very nice leather journal would have ever contained what I have recorded here at Tire Swings. Who was I kidding! It just wasn’t going to happen. I mean, I still have Christmas letters waiting to be mailed.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Happy Birthday, E.P.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Now that's Evolution
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Reading Through the Bible in One Year

Patricia Szymanski is the author of the blog Reading the Bible in 365. She is beginning her third yearly trip through the Bible and I'm sure she wouldn't mind anyone tagging along. You can visit her site and find out all about her and her project. In fact, you can easily and quickly go back and read her December posts which lead up to the start of the study. So far, I've enjoyed what I've seen of her site and look forward to learning some things about the Bible I did not know before.
Happy New Year!!!

Well, we are. January 1. Now, if you are southern like moi you surely know of the tradition of eating hog jowl and black eyed peas on New Year's for prosperity in the coming year. However, if you find your pantry bare of these two items substitutions may be allowed. At least, I'm hoping they're allowed. I ate some ham that was cooked in my Cracker Barrel turnip greens for lunch today and I just watched "Boom Boom Pow" (the clean version) on YouTube. Yep, luck will be coursing through my veins in no time flat!