After 25 years in the classroom, he has made the jump into the world of school administration. Actually, it was more of a
John receiving goodbyes from some of the students in his last class on his last day.
Once you have taught so many years your pay maxes out and the only way to increase your salary is to earn an additional degree or go into administration (after obtaining an additional degree). I know. I sound greedy, don't I? I try not to be materialistic. I'm really a very generous person. I'd give examples, but my parents were always telling me something about not letting one of my hands know what the other is up to, so you'll just have to take my word that I am not the money whore I just made myself out to be. I know money cannot buy happiness. Really, I do. But it can make things easier.

The bulletin board behind his desk on which he would showcase Ren's artwork when she was in elementary school.
Seriously, though, John felt it was time for a change. He would not have left a job he loved -and he did love it-just because of a little, okay a lot, of whining from me.
A hug and kiss from John-Heath.
In the quarter of a century he has taught (WOW! a quarter of a century -that even makes me feel a little older), the majority (23 years) has been at the middle school level. Now, he'll be moving up a level as the assistant principal at a local high school. From what we've been told, if one can handle middle schoolers and their earsplitting voices and sugar induced hyperactivity, high schoolers should be a walk in the park.
A teary-eyed Ren after the farewell luncheon and slideshow.
John has been a wonderful teacher and I have no doubt he'll make an excellent administrator. Of course, come August I am going to miss being able to work in such close proximity to him. I mean we were literally right across the hall from each other. It will be weird not seeing him at the front of his class when I walk out my library doors.

So long, dear.
My loss, however, is Ren's gain. She'll have her daddy with her each and every day for her last years of high school. And best of all? He and I will even get to chaperone her proms! I see carpooling in someone's future. Come to think of it, she really won't even need her own car until it's time for college. This may explain the tears she shed at the luncheon. ;)
Congrats to John, but will Ren enjoy having her dad at high school? lol
Haha! Well, she was - until she was reminded about prom! LOL
Congratulations to your husband! I remember my dad teaching high school and always working at least one other job, so I completely understand your money concerns. My daughter just graduated from high school, will start college this September, and still needs a car (we've tried to wait as long as possible), so we are trying to come up with ways to support all of this and our other 2 children as well. You're right, there's more to life than money, but it sure does make things easier! :)
Best of luck to your husband! It's sounds like he'll do great things!
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