Saturday, June 25, 2011
John-Heathism #1: Erck
Friday, June 24, 2011
The Griswolds Go To Dollywood
If I live to be 100 I will never forget the little trip I took to the mountains with my daughter, mother, sister and niece. One eventful day will remain seared into my memory forever.
We had planned to meet up with my nephew and his family (wife and two sons), who were themselves returning from a trip to South Carolina, at Dollywood, the theme park located in the hills of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, for a fun-filled day. I’ll spare you all the details of my decision to wear denim capris, my nephew’s vehicle breakdown, search for a reputable mechanic so far from home, and how we all arrived so late to the park (as in 1:00 ish) due to the aforementioned car trouble, only to leave it (my sister and I) a little over an hour later to take our mother back to the hotel due to the heat. Okay, so maybe you don’t feel too spared right now, but believe you me, you have been.

Waiting in line for Daredevil Falls.
Anyway, after re-arriving at the park, my sister and I met up with her daughter-n-law and youngest grandson. By this point we were only a couple hours from closing time. Little Dylan had only been able to ride one ride (don’t even ask me how many times attractions had to be closed due to thunder/lightning and/or were closed for temporary repairs). The four of us decided to ride the River Rampage (I’m not certain but I think this may be the same one known as the Grizzly River Rampage from the old Opryland Theme Park, which was closed years ago to make room for the shopping mall Opry Mills, which is now itself still mostly closed due to the big Middle Tennessee flood of 2010).
I knew I would get wet on this ride. I always do. But I didn’t think I would get drenched from head to toe. It would have been an awesome ride had I not decided to wear those dang denim capris. Twice I was slapped in the face with bucketfuls of water, the same water that has probably been in the man-made river for 20 years. I know some got in my mouth. It’s a thousand wonders I have not yet come down with some waterborne illness. Can you get cholera in the United States? Anyway, I was done after that and said I would go wait near the exit until the 8 p.m. closing time. My pants were completely stuck to me. It was not a pretty sight. It felt even uglier.
Dylan is all smiles just after we strapped in on the River Rampage. The little stinker didn't get a drop on him.
Sometime around 8:30 my family makes their way to me. Luckily, I was all air-dried and feeling much better by this time. Before leaving the Emporium (the gift shop through which everyone must exit), we all stopped and bought fudge. Yum!
Finally, it was time to call it a day and board the open air tram which would take us to my sister’s van (we parked in the most remote lot). Again, due to the earlier car trouble, we would all be piling into the one vehicle.
Can you believe before we got to our parking area a thunderstorm developed and unloaded a torrential amount of rain and umpteen bolts of lightning on everyone dumb enough to have stuck around past closing time buying t-shirts, backscratchers, and fudge? Ours was one of a very few automobiles left in the lot - and in the very middle of it to boot. You should have seen everyone taking off, screaming, across the blacktop. My sweet nephew, after getting his youngest into the van, took pity on me and came back to escort me across the tempestouos battlefield.
Our view from the tram on the way back to our car - just before the skies broke loose.
He said it best when he remarked that you would have thought the Russians had turned on the United States and had picked Dollywood as their first attack target. Once again, I was soaked.Hap Sadly, our little trip came to an end the next day, but I’m glad to be home.
And dry.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Wearin' Dad's Clothes - Father's Day Photographs

Well, the search for a Father’s Day gift idea was not in vain. In cases like mine, it’s a good thing the internet exists because I am just nowhere near being the creative soul I was a wee few years ago. Of course, maybe the internet is partly to blame for that. Why be creative when you can Google?
Anyway, Ren and I are going out of town tomorrow afternoon with my sister and niece for a few days on a girls only trip, so I thought I would share with you what my children will be giving their dad and granddad on their special day a day early. I don’t think it will spoil the surprise factor - my dad doesn’t own a computer and John only reads this blog when I need to feed my ego and I have him read something on which I feel iffy.
A few more goodies await them inside their gift bags, made from lunch sacks and scrapbooking paper.
Working fast and secretively, I took some pictures of my children wearing some of their dad’s clothing, and later their Pa Gene’s clothing, and printed some 5x7 and 8x10 enlargements. A trip to T.J.Maxx produced some manly wood frames (or as close to wood as gets produced these days) in which the pics would be placed. I think they turned out pretty good. This idea is even sweeter when the children are all small and the shoes and clothes are over-sized in a more exaggerated way.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Father's Day Quandary
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
It's Hard Letting Go.
Those sleepless nights on the couch lasted for several days and I longed for the time when I would be able to lay down in my own bed and actually sleep.
Monday, June 13, 2011
I Think They're Finally Gone.

A Birthday for My Little Cowboy!

About one day before I sent out the invitations, he decided he would like to have a cowboy-themed party. So, on a schedule short of time and without breaking the bank, I tried to give my little guy something he would remember. It helps that there are so many people out there who have already done this type party. Their great ideas are almost limitless.

I had several other games planned but, like John said, kids will make their own games up as they go along.

Linking up to some of these.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Whew! I'm Ready for a Break.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Now We Are Six
I had just begun.
When I was two,
I was nearly new.
When I was three,
I was hardly me.
I was not much more.
I was just alive.
I'm as clever as clever.
So I think I'll be six
now and forever.

Happy birthday to my little boy - the sweetest, most mischievous little boy I know.
Dear John-Heath,
Just so you'll know, the little yellow outfit you're wearing in your baby picture was made for your grandfather, John, by his grandmother, Martha Magnolia B. At the time you wore it, it was 76 years old.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
In 1933...
Average Cost of new house $5,750.00
Average wages per year $1,550.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas 10 cents
Average Cost for house rent $18.00 per month
Vacuum Cleaner $17.75
A loaf of Bread 7 cents
Newport Boulevard Ladies Hat $1.69
A LB of Hamburger Meat 11 cents
Silk and Rayon Stockings 39 cents a Pair
Plymouth 6 Car $445.00
Health Building Tonic 89 cents
Campbells Vegetable Soup 10 cents
1933 Vintage Radio $52.00
Average Laborers Wage $20.00 per week
Information obtained here.