I wish the pictures had turned out better. It's much shinier than shown here.
...we put up the tree in Ren's room. Actually, we put it up for the second time. After thinking the pole for the antique aluminum tree was broken I made a trip to Lowes and purchased a wooden rod (turns out Ren taped it thinking it was broken in half, yet it had simply separated at the point where it was cut in half). John was given the task of drilling the holes in the new pole for the branches and I spray painted it a metallic silver. My only regret with this is that it is a little larger than the original. John, aka "Tim the Toolman Taylor", measured it wrong, so it's a quarter of an inch too big in diameter. Oh well, it'll do for this year.
When we moved into our new house three years ago I knew I wanted one of these vintage trees. I thought it would look very chic in a teen's room. Of course, another reason I just had to have one is that it reminds me of Christmases at my grandparents' house. Mammy and Pa had one just like it that they set atop a lamp table in front of the picture window in their living room. It was always adorned with red balls, the kind that were covered in a satiny thread. I know these trees came with color wheels, but I don't know if my grandparents ever used one. If they did, I don't remember it. Today, my grandparents' tree resides at my cousin Tammy's house. It's nice to know it's still in the family.
Can you tell Ren's an I Love Lucy fan?
I purchased the tree for Ren's room at an antique store in Gallatin the same year we moved in. I think I only paid $40 for it, which I thought was a pretty good deal. My sister later found a color wheel at some sale and bought it for me. It works but John refuses to let me use it for fear it would burn down our house. I have to admit, the cord does look a little questionable.
Ren likes it and thinks it looks pretty hip (my word, not hers) in her purple room. Of course, she doesn't use the red, satiny balls but that's okay.

I still need to find a cute tree skirt or some cool fabric to put around the base of it.
Hope this week is as bright and shiny for you all as my daughter's yule tree.
That is so cute and retro like! THankd for the visit...come and see me again sometime!
I love these aluminum trees and passed one up at an antiques store a couple of years ago. I kick myself all the time for that!!! Yours is looking great.
Hello there. Your silver tree and color wheel brings back memories. We had one of those growing up. Thanks for sharing this. I hope you can get the cord repaired. I am your newest follower. Come by and follow me as well and visit. Happy holidays! Linda
I love to put this tree in my son's room. You "AMAZE ME"! Thank you for linking up to the Monday blog party!!
Such a cute tree. I love those vintage style trees. Reminds me of one my parents had when I was very young. Thanks for linking up.
I love your tree -it looks very vintage to me --I think you would be able to find a great piece of fabric to wrap around your tree -looks lovely
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