Today was John-Heath’s second phase-in day of kindergarten (he will begin in earnest this Friday). I dropped him off at 7:45 a.m. At roughly nine o’clock I received a phone call from my friend, who also happens to be the TA for kindergarten. Something was not as it should have been with my son. He was too quiet - not being very inquisitive by asking a gazillion questions. He also told her his arm was hurting and that it “was swelling.” A temp of 100.4 warranted an early dismissal.
A trip to the doctor, our favorite Dr. Kastner, confirmed strep. And now we’re doing the whole bubblegum medicine song and dance. To tell you the truth, I was actually somewhat relieved he had something. I always feel like some Nervous Nellie when I go and nothing is found to be wrong. Don’t you just hate calling to set up an appointment to get in ASAP because a child is so terribly sick with such a high fever, and then you get there just about the time the Motrin is working its magic? Like today, prior to going his temp approached 103, but when his temp was checked by the nurse it was below normal and he was having quite a grand time of spinning around on the doctor’s stool. When the announcement of strep was made I was almost like, “YES!”, as I reached into the air and pulled down my clinched fist.
Sooooo, looks like I’ll be getting to take a day off already.
T minus 10 sick days and counting...

Dear Dr. Kastner,
Thank you for allowing my son to play with your stethoscope and examine your ears with that other funny looking instrument. I'm sure your ears weren't that bad. Don't kids say the cutest things?
By the way, you're the greatest!
A trip to the doctor, our favorite Dr. Kastner, confirmed strep. And now we’re doing the whole bubblegum medicine song and dance. To tell you the truth, I was actually somewhat relieved he had something. I always feel like some Nervous Nellie when I go and nothing is found to be wrong. Don’t you just hate calling to set up an appointment to get in ASAP because a child is so terribly sick with such a high fever, and then you get there just about the time the Motrin is working its magic? Like today, prior to going his temp approached 103, but when his temp was checked by the nurse it was below normal and he was having quite a grand time of spinning around on the doctor’s stool. When the announcement of strep was made I was almost like, “YES!”, as I reached into the air and pulled down my clinched fist.
Sooooo, looks like I’ll be getting to take a day off already.
T minus 10 sick days and counting...
Dear Dr. Kastner,
Thank you for allowing my son to play with your stethoscope and examine your ears with that other funny looking instrument. I'm sure your ears weren't that bad. Don't kids say the cutest things?
By the way, you're the greatest!
1 comment:
Too cute! Hope John-Heath is on the mend ASAP! My little Bear had her first full day of Kindergarten. She made it ok but was a pretty tired little pup by the time she went to bed. Hopefully she will wake up ok tomorrow!
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