Monday, December 31, 2012

It Was Awesome!

Not only has Christmas 2012 come and gone but we are on the cusp of bidding farewell to the whole dang year.  I'm not sure but I think something physiological happens when one reaches a certain age - in which the way we perceive the movement of time is not at all as it was during childhood.  When I was younger school years seemed to take forever, summers crawled by like a slug, and the words slow as Christmas could be a very appropriate simile.  Not so anymore.  It's odd really...the slower I become, the faster time travels.

2012 was a good year for my family.  We are all still together and there have been no major health issues.  And even though I was complaining earlier this evening about the incredibly boring life I must lead to be spending NYE in places like Wal-Mart, Home Goods and Kohls with little in the way of celebration awaiting me (except for that bottle of Welch's Sparkling Red Grape juice cocktail in the refrigerator), I feel blessed because I know many families have not been so fortunate.

As John-Heath said, when asked about our Christmas, "It was awesome!"  I hope yours was, as well.  See you next year, my friends.

P.S.  If you're nearby and want to pop in to liven up our NYE, I have a bottle half a bottle of sparkling cider we could share. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

From Our Home to Yours...

Merry Christmas!

I hope you will have a most wonderful holiday and wake tomorrow morning to find yourself surrounded with those you cherish most (and maybe with a few goodies tucked under the tree, too.)

Thursday, December 20, 2012


It’s been a long time since I posted, I know. I actually had some things I wanted to share with you and then, like the rest of the world, I found out about the events of this past Friday. Honestly, at that point I just became disinterested in posting pictures of our shelf elf or sharing recipes. My heart hasn’t been it.

Although I have not been glued to the television 24/7 for all the details (thank goodness for the distraction of work), I have been drawn to the stories of these children and teachers. Today, as my own form of closure on this most horrible of tragedies, I thought I would write. These reflections are sure to be disjointed and are certainly not original or insightful, as anyone with even an ounce of a soul has felt and thought the same.

Before I begin my ramblings I want to introduce you to a song I found today. It is titled "Twenty Six Names" and is by Jason Robert Brown. I would encourage you to listen. It is hauntingly simple but nonetheless heart-wrenching…a "final roll call" for these beautiful children and their teachers.

On Friday, John and I were out and about in the Nashville area doing a little Christmas shopping, each having taken off work to do so. Upon returning a phone call to his school he found out that there had been a school shooting in Connecticut and that several teachers and students had been killed. That was all we knew for a while. About an hour later, listening to a news radio station in the car, we finally heard the first report of it for ourselves. When the words "at an elementary school" came through the speakers we were horrified.

Needless to say, the mood of our shopping trip changed after that and both John and I couldn’t wait to get home and see our own children.

I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact that a person, even a twenty-year-old with supposed mental issues, could walk into a school and hunt down a group of children, killing every single student in one classroom and several others in another. This was no angry young adult killing other young adults or an angry teen killing his parents, both of which are equally wrong. This was a young man who, by all accounts, purposefully chose to target children.

I know that God can heal hearts, of that I am most certain, but I wonder if parents of children who die in such a way ever get to the point where they can make it through a week or day or even a few hours without thinking back on what the last moments of their child’s life was like. Were they scared? Did they realize what was happening? Did they suffer? Did they call out for mommy or daddy? Do these thoughts ever get replaced as the first thoughts one has in the morning and the last before falling asleep at night?

Of all these beautiful children, one face stood out to me. This sweet boy reminds me so much of my own son. Even John-Heath himself said, “Hey! That looks like me,” when he caught John and me looking at some of the children’s pictures online. I feel so blessed to have my John-Heath and Ren and so saddened that other parents have lost their Benjamin…and Jessica…and Noah…and Grace…and….

Benjamin Wheeler, 6

I have also felt equally in awe of the teachers and staff at the school. True heroes –every one of them! I have never been more proud to be a teacher!

I won’t write of the cause for our grief, though thoughts are plentiful. To even mention his name on the same page as the names of those sweet children and their teachers would be most wrong.

I will also hold my thoughts on the whole gun debate. The time for that will come later, I’m sure.

Instead, I will end by saying I will cherish my own children even more and I will continue to keep in my heart and prayers the families of those that were lost. May we live a life of kindness and good works to honor them all.

Friday, December 14, 2012

What Does One Say?

I am a parent of school-aged children.  I am the wife of a school assistant principal.  I am a teacher.  And my heart is aching this evening for people just like me.  I am at a complete loss for words, except to say may God bless the families of those lost at Sandy Hook Elementary this morning.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How Could I Not... something on the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year of this century?  So there you go. 

P.S.  I hate the word "twelfth".  Every time I say it I feel like it comes out "twell...fhthth".

P.S.  I will return to semi-regular blogging one day, my friends. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm One Lucky Mother

Goodness knows my children are not perfect; there's rarely a week that goes by that one of them isn't being punished for something.  However, twenty years in my chosen profession has shown me it could be a Whole. Lot. Worse.  And if they (my children) only knew just how bad it can sometimes be, they would cut out some old yearbook pictures and be set for life...'cause I would be hard-pressed to ever punish them again for some low level infraction whilst looking upon the countenance of certain scholars.  More likely, I would fall to my knees, kiss each and every toe on their grubby little feet and then take the whole family out for ice-cream.

"Mom, I just carved my name in the banister!"  "That's great, son!  Would you like whipped cream on your sundae?"

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hidden Expenses of Childhood

Gallon of paint to cover unwanted artwork on the bedroom walls... $35

Emergency room co-pay to remove a coffee bean lodged in the nose... $75

Mechanical bill for eliminating the roaring sound coming from my car heater... $30

The relief felt in finding out the above-mentioned roaring sound wasn't a blown motor...Priceless!!!

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's John-Heath.

P.S.  In case you're wondering...those are Lego wheels that were found in our car heater today by our mechanic taped to that bill.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More Thankfulness

Day 2
On a warm, sunny day…no wait… make that a very hot week of band camp during the summer of 1984…I met a gorgeous college boy with dark hair and blue eyes and became absolutely smitten. Each day, the love-at-first-sight crush I had developed for this person, who just happened to be my assistant band director, only grew in intensity. Finally, on the last day, walking toward an asphalt practice field on the campus of Austin Peay State University with a drum strapped to my chest, I made a bold prediction to my friend Pennie…I’m going to marry him someday. One day, he would be mine. I was sure of it. Not even an hour later I listened as this darling man called my name from the roof of a building…TYLA HEATH, GET IN STEP!!! To make a long story, short – I married him anyway and my friend Pennie became my maid of honor. And after twenty-four years of thick and thin and ins and outs, I’m so very thankful that I did.

Day 3
Good health is a wonderful thing to have and one of the things I think we take most for granted in life -that is, until we no longer have it or we find ourselves having to fight to retain it. I thank God that my family is healthy. I also pray that he restores it for a very dear friend of mine who is battling cancer for the third time.

Day 4
As an educator, I am often afforded a front row seat in the lives of many students. If this profession has taught me one thing, it is that not all boys and girls grow up as I did. I am thankful for my parents. I am thankful that my parents put God first in our home and me next. I am thankful that they worked hard to provide for me and took an interest in my life, both socially and academically. I’m thankful there was always a hot meal on my table and clean clothes in my closet. I am thankful that through hard work and integrity on the part of my parents I never knew I had been poor until I was an adult. I could go on and on and provide countless evidence, but I won’t. I just hope my parents realize that every day of the week I am reminded of how good my childhood was and how grateful I am for that blessing.

Day 5
I’m thankful that I was not an only child. Had I been, holidays just wouldn’t be as much fun without the extended family. I am so thankful for my sister and her family. I am thankful, though, that my sister was 16 when I was born. There are perks to being the baby in the family and being raised like an only child.

Day 6
John Gunther wrote, “Ours is the only country deliberately founded on a good idea.” How true. On this Election Day, I am proud and thankful to live in this great nation. For now, at least, there’s not another like it on earth.

Day 7
On this post-election day, when things didn’t exactly go the way I would have liked for them to go, I’m glad I once read Gone With the Wind. Its words come in handy from time to time… “Tomorrow is another day.”

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Twenty-Two Days of Thanks

On this first day of November, I thought it would be good to begin reflecting upon those things in life for which I'm thankful (not that we shouldn't take time to do this the other eleven months of the year).  So, each day, and in no particular order, I plan to examine something I am blessed to have in this life.  Then every few days I'll share them with you - my friends.  I'd be willing to bet my list will be strikingly similar to one you would make yourself.  And, as I believe all blessings come from above, allow me to publicly thank the bestower of my bounty as I make my way through my list.  Here goes. 

Day One

Thank you, Lord, for the two children you have entrusted in my care.  They are  my masterpiece, and even though there are many days when our life together looks and feels more like this than this, they are my beautiful contribution to this world.

My work of art
(well, mine and John's)

Ren just being Ren

John-Heath unusually still
(it didn't last long)

I see the moon and the moon sees me

Relaxin' on the road trip

Just doing what she loves

All ready to hunker down and ride out an evening of thunderstorms

Doing her best "J.R. Ewing"

A fun evening at Dick's Last Resort - Nashville

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Like Father, Like Son


Most of my family, both on my mother's side and my father's side, will tell you how my son is the spitting image of yours truly - in looks, of course (especially when he was younger), but also in personality.  I was known to be sweet and thoughtful (see how I wrote that in the past tense?), a little on the hyper side (that is also very much in the past tense), and a little on the mischievous side.  "There comes little Tyla," someone will usually say at a get-together with extended family.  I tell you they are absolutely correct, and I love that little stinker all the more for it. 

Well, should my husband ever feel a little left out, he can always look back on today and swell with pride.  Just as my mother-n-law recounted to me a time when my husband, as a lad of only two or three, swallowed a Christmas bulb, my husband will one day be able to tell a future daughter-n-law how her husband swallowed a lego brick, as a lad of seven, while attempting to detach it from another brick.

And as that light bulb made a grand re-entrance into the world a day or so later (just as Dr. Carter had told my mother-n-law it would), we are anxiously awaiting the same result here.  Say a little prayer that it will be a smooth voyage. :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall Mantel 2012

Well, here she is...Miss Fall Mantel 2012.  I know what you're thinking...she bears a striking resemblance to last year's winner.  Had I not waited until the last minute I could have done a little shopping and invested in some new pieces, but I think it still looks pretty good.  The mirror is the only new piece (and I have no idea what those criss-cross lines are you see reflecting in it).  I do like the look of this new addition, but I am still just sick over what happened to the print it replaces.

In addition to the mantel, I was finally able this weekend to do a little decorating for Halloween. John-Heath still feels we have much we should add, and he is somewhat disappointed I have not put up our Halloween mice this year, but since he's been sick most of the weekend he hasn't complained too badly. If I have time tomorrow afternoon I may just have to make that little fellow some mice.

 I love this white ceramic owl and orange plumage.  They were bought last year at Chef's Market.  I wish now I had bought another set for the other end.
 And here are, what I like to call, my headstone bookends.  Don't they look like something you'd see on an old tombstone? 

Now this isn't part of our Halloween decor (although it is somewhat of a scary feeling to look at this picture and realize how fast time goes).  This is Ren's senior picture, framed by Melanie's, and it hangs on a small wall to the right of the mantel.  Since I had the camera out I thought I'd snap a picture of it, too.

That's all for tonight.  Have a frightfully wonderful week! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

In Case You've Been Wondering...

Hello, again, my friends. It seems I have been busy these past few weeks with a whole lot of nothing interspersed with a few somethings. Really, my life has become quite unblogworthy these past couple months. I guess that could be a good thing. Then again, it could be incredibly boring and depressing. I guess it’s all a matter of perspective. Just to catch you up on the goings-on in our little world here is randomness at its finest – in reverse, with a few pics thrown in for good measure.

Army Strong
For his 8th Halloween costume John-Heath decided he wanted to be a soldier. After spending more than a few evenings online pouring over costumes and browsing pattern books and fabric stores my brilliant little brain had an epiphany this past Tuesday. Actually, it was more of a “well, duh!” moment. Helllooo…Army Surplus Stores!!! So, that afternoon we headed 15 minutes down the road to one located in an area known around here as Payne’s Crossroads.

$63 and 30 minutes later and we were set. The $63 for a costume made John’s jaw clench a bit and I’m almost sure I heard him swallow hard as he handed over the debit card, but as I reminded him, the pants and coat will be something John-Heath will be able to use again and again. I guess I could have forgone the dog tags and colonel pins, but what real soldier doesn’t wear dog tags and dream of advancing to a higher rank?

Indian Summer
We have been experiencing some warm temperatures in my neck of the woods. While nice, I say bring on the cool, crisp fall weather. I’m ready for some bonfires, sweaters, and chili.

Family Pics
We had our pictures taken this past weekend. It’s somewhat shameful to admit, but it was the first time since John-Heath was TWO that we’ve had some professionally made. Speaking of pictures, I found out a few weeks back that my favorite store for developing photos was going out of business. Goodbye, Wolf Camera of H’ville!

When my niece Megan graduated this past May with her BSN her parents asked her what she wanted as a graduation gift. She chose a trip to Disney and wanted the whole family to go. I said we would be happy to go but only if they would plan it for the fall. Ren and I had done Disney in the summer a few years ago and I said never again. Well, turns out Central Florida in the middle of the October can be a little on the warm side, too. We had a great time, but by that last day we were all Disney’d out and ready to head home to Tennessee. 

Football Senior Night
The most favorite and fun thing Ren has done all through high school is coming to an end. Who would have thought several years ago that our daughter would be recognized on senior night as a member of the football team? I cannot begin to tell you how much she has loved being the team’s water girl these past few years. She will certainly miss it and we’ll miss it, too.

Ren with some of the seniors...(L-R/T-B) Lane, Wyatt, Spencer, and Steven.

Meet the C*****’s
One Friday afternoon, as I was heading out the door to grab a bite to eat before a football game, I took a phone call from a reporter for one of the county papers.  John and the kids and I had been selected to be featured as a "focus family" in this year’s Fact Book, a county-wide publication.  They conducted a little interview with us (via email) and asked us to submit a picture.  Well, as indicated above, it had been a few years since we had any formal pictures taken, so we got all gussied up and had our picture taken on our front porch by my niece.  The paper may have reconsidered their decision in selecting us had they been privy to the behind-the-scenes of that particular picture-taking session.  Oh, well...there are few things that can't be masked with some great smiles. 

October 1
John-Heath began counting down to October 1 that whole last week of September. He loves it when we decorate for Halloween. Each day I was given an update. Only 7 more days to October, Momma. Only 6 more days to October, Momma. Only 5,4,3…you get the idea. It’s now October 25 and we have our wreath hung on our front door. Yeah, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do this weekend.

Talk to you again soon.  Hopefully.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Spare to Our Heir

Our daughter was to be our only child.  We never planned to have another and that was just fine with us.  Oh, I have to admit, when I was a teenager and would dream of the future, I would usually envision having four children - a boy, twin girls, and another boy - in that order, I might add.    Of course, this little fantasy also included a New York City penthouse and a houseful of servants to help raise my passel of kids while I was busy being something fantastic.

Skip ahead a few years and I was the mother of a single child, still in Tennessee, and in something several stories short of a penthouse.  However, life was good and I had matured enough to be (mostly) content with it.

In the fall of 2004, John and I hosted a fall party for Ren, who was nine and in the fourth grade, and her friends.  One friend's mother, who was closer in age to John than me, was expecting.  By the way, my dear husband is seven years my senior and Ren, at times, lets this fact weird her out, especially when she begins to reflect and asks questions like so when you were in college, mom was just in the sixth grade?  Anyway, when the party was over John and I talked about what it would be like to experience a pregnancy at that point in our lives and how utterly thankful we were that we were not in our guest's shoes. 

Little did we know that during that very conversation I was already pregnant. 

I cannot lie and say we became unexpectedly thrilled when we found out.  Actually, I remember both of us walking around for a while as if we should have been shrouded in black.  Soon enough, though, we embraced our turn-of-events.  And now, this story and the gift it brought with it the following June, is just another reason we love the fall!

P.S.  I do feel the need to clarify one bit of information...John and I actually didn't know each other when I was in the sixth grade.  We met during my freshman year of high school and did not begin dating until my senior year.  There.  I feel better.  Maybe Ren will, too.