John-Heath celebrated at a class party with friends...
On the 24th it was time for our traditional Christmas Eve gift exchange. The kids are allowed to open two gifts (of my choosing). John-Heath still gets excited about this, but Ren has long since figured out it is always the same gifts...a dated Hallmark ornament and a new pair of pajamas.
Pictures by the tree (which was almost solely decorated by John-Heath) in some NEW P.J.'s. Yaayyyy, Ren!
Ren with one of her presents - Law & Order: SVU... the show behind her desire to work in the criminal justice field. If only all crimes could be solved in one hour and all cops were as goodlooking as Stabler.

Luckily, there was a surprise under the tree. Now, Santa has always left his gifts to the kids unwrapped and setting in various locations in the living room. Well, this one was wrapped and tucked deep under the tree. It even came with a note, to which John-Heath grabbed a pen and quickly added a reply. As luck would have it though the contents of this little package were of the wearable varierty, too.
YES! A quick shake brought forth hope with this package...LEGOS!!!
Go Lady Vols!!!
My family on the 26th preparing to eat. I'm hoping I snapped this pic before the blessing actually began. Otherwise, there are a few who may have ended up on a new naughty list.
Who wants to play Santa this year? Don't everyone jump at once!
Ren gets a fairy tale ring. Now, she just needs to find her Prince Charming to go with it (and I need to keep quiet when one shows up. You know how it is with teenage daughters and parents...if the parents make too big a splash about liking him, the defiant daughter will make it a point not to).
Last gifts of the night...the Christmas Crackers off the tree.
And everyone gets a crown!