So, here we are on the cusp of another summer's end. It's always a little sad to see any season come and go. Okay, some of you may break into song and dance when winter finally calls it quits, but you get my drift. Now that school has started, though, I do feel ready to move on into fall. I love the fall and I'm hoping it will bring me out of this funk I've been in lately. The aforementioned funk is the reason I've been keeping a low blog presence. I don't think anyone would appreciate too many angry rants or mournful sentiments. bid farewell to August my family spent a wonderful evening in Nashville this past Saturday eating and dancing and I thought I'd let you in on it.. Well, my daughter and niece did most of the dancing. The rest of us just sat and watched.
First up, dinner at The Farmhouse @ Fontanel. Because you're just dying to know, I had the pan seared troutt with capers, string beans, and mashed potatoes. It was quite yummy.

On weekends they have live music after 6ish. Unfortunately, these guys took a little long to set up and we weren't able to stick around to listen.

My parents - who HATE to have their picture taken. I know my mom was probably thinking I wish you'd get that camera out of my face.

Ren and Megan, my niece. The LOVE getting their picture taken. They were probably thinking Do you need an extra SD card?.

Then it was on to Centennial Park in downtown Nashville. Each Saturday during the summer a Big Band is featured at one of the pavilions. They play a lot of the standards from the mid-1900s. Below is Ren with some guy who was dancing with all the ladies. She asked him, though...and didn't tell him until the song had started that she didn't really know how to dance. But, you couldn't tell it.

John-Heath even got in on some of the action. Of course, he enjoyed getting in on the action of an orange snow cone even more.

We actually had a lot more fun than it appears in this picture. Maybe what I need is to hire a professional photog to follow us around and capture some great shots. Wouldn't that be funny!