Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dear Tire Swings...

Today, I am celebrating a birthday of sorts. Two years ago on January 9, 2010, I wrote my very first blog post. Like most things I do in life it was somewhat impromptu and off the cuff. I didn’t even make it a "welcome-to-my-blog" post.

I had decided (I think it may have been a New Year’s resolution) to begin journaling events for my children, both past and present - events that is, not children. I had even bought a very nice leather journal in which I had recorded a few entries. There was a problem with that plan, though - I haaaaate the physical act of writing. Yes, I am that lazy, I’m afraid. Plus, I have a terrible handwriting. So, when I came across this great idea called blogging I knew I had found a friend.

I don’t write every day and I have gone through a dry spell or two, but I am just the teeniest bit proud of myself for sticking with it this long. There is no way my very nice leather journal would have ever contained what I have recorded here at Tire Swings. Who was I kidding! It just wasn’t going to happen. I mean, I still have Christmas letters waiting to be mailed.

So, happy birthday to me! And, gifts.

Well, okay. If you insist.

1 comment:

Chena said...

Happy Birthday Tire Swings and Fireflies!